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Volunteers Needed!

Tracy King

Can you help out at our Summer Fair? We have loads of fun packed activities for you are your children to do but we need your help. Could you volunteer an hour or three of your time to help? Below is a list of stalls that we need volunteers for?

Are you into football?

Can you organise a 5-aside tournament?

Can you supervise a FIFA 18 challenge?

Do you like playing Fussball?

Are you creative? Can you?

  • Paint Nails

  • Paint Faces


  • Kick Can Emoji world cup style

  • Bean Ball Toss

  • Monster feet football skills

  • Hook a duck/footbal


  • Bottle Tombola

  • Cuddly toy tombola

  • Balloons & Novelties stall

If you can help with any of the above, please email: or message on our Facebook Page

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